Un Imaginable

Un Imaginable, by Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

The masses sing of his prowess
Aways does everything seamless
Does no wrong, always blameless

On the green he’s on the scene
Drives the wood, great not good
In the cup, off the tee, hole in one

Can it be? 11 in a row, how is that so?
Don’t you know, he always wins
He’s the master in his head

DPRK, the family is on it’s way
To make their daddy God
Outside the cult he’s a fraud

He walks on air, eclipsing mighty Mike
Jumping higher than Jordan’s spike
His minions fall for the phony hype

Not the 38th parallel, not the DMZ
It is the compound in Palm Beach Florida
The criminal that all can see

Boxes in the bathroom, deniability
Falsely playing victim, zero credibility
Un Imaginable, is this fantasy

He is the messiah, that will save humanity
Obsesses over crowd size, not a surprise
Fungus in his pants, always telling lies

This Pied Piper smoking PCP
Praises Kim Jong Un
For it’s what he wants to be

The Kim family in North Kora, are always depicted as having super human abilities, in battle but also willing to brag about the mundane, like the time the state media said that Kim Jong Un made 11 holes in 1 with a 38 under.

Seems similar to Trump bragging about his golf tournaments he always wins. And just like North Korea, he and his camp always brags about how big crowd size is and how everyone loves him.

Believe Trump when he says he wants to be a dictator.

Disclaimer: The part about him smoking PCP is metaphor for how fucked in the head he is and how delusional and petty and narcissistic he is. But I am dead serious in saying he wants to be a dictator.

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