Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

You prattle on call me unwise
All the sciences are all lies
Then prove your claim
Win a Nobel Prize

You can cut me, down to size
If you think evolution is a lie
I dare you, please go and try
Your dirt man magic, will get fried

Creationist hypothesis has been tried
It is pseudo science, and is betrayed
By fossil records, strata layers that are made
Prove the Grand Canyon was not made

In a mythological 40 days, 4 billion years old
Our planet has aged, 5 mass extinctions
Earth has been through, but you are
More than welcome to, write your hypothesis

Collect your data, conduct your experiments
Repeat this process sufficiently, consistently
Over and over, then maybe, just maybe
Real scientists would take you seriously

Peer review it, publish it professionally
Rejoice at your groundbreaking discovery
Adopt your methodology, and put you in
A category, of Nobel Prize winner

But we all know you’re just a spinner
Of fairy tales of bronze age men
“Abracadabra” are your answers when
You don’t like what science says.

I would choke to death, if I were to hold my breath
Waiting for you to prove creationism true
But this is nothing new, the same silly song
You are wrong, evolution is strong, good luck to you

You know it’s not true, but you stew and brew
Concoct claptrap and your face turns blue
Abiogenesis, macro and micro, buzz words you use
Twist them, bend them, without understanding them

Only to point to a book that creates the sun and moon
More than once, and even then, treats them
Like separate sources of light, one for day, one for night
When we know now, the sun is the only source of course

And the moon simply bounces the photons of it’s surface
And what is the purpose, of claiming an adult woman
Magically popped out of a man’s rib, call me glib
But you need the bib, because the bible was written
By ignorant men, who had no way to know

What DNA was, or what cell division does
They had no clue what fallopian tubes do
Stone the virgin, is what ancient men knew
If she accidently broke her hymen , she was through

You think that book, fits modern day
You think that destroys what science has to say
Then get it in a lab, pave the way, show us you’re wise
Get it in a lab, show your work, win a Nobel Prize.

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