Give Them An Inch

Give Them An Inch, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

Ray Comfort and Ken Ham
Stupidly think they can body slam
Evolution with a macro jam

But all it is, is Evangelical spam
They try to separate macro from micro
Then claim that macro does not occur

Then explain to me the differences that be
Between an African and Asian Elephant
Both have the same name, but are different species

And that is speciation, which means
While they had common ancestors
Their offspring were investors

So much so, they spread apart
And here’s the natural art
Nature’s external forces

Had very different resources
Environments and climates
That each adapted to

As to get to the point
They became cousins who
Could no longer procreate

Isn’t that great? That is MACRO
That affects the micro and both
Are intertwined, combined

Variety of forces, such as food
Climate, weather, variants of prey
Being preyed upon, create internal changes

So when they deny, it is always a lie
To them that inches lead to feet, and feet
Lead to miles, BUT THEY DO, and it is true

That macro evolution, and micro evolution
Are facts that always prove, genetic changes
Over long periods of time.

There is no conflict between micro and macro evolution. Micro evolution are the tiny SMALL, genetic changes over long periods of time. Macro evolution are the external forces such as food, environment, climate, weather, their prey, being preyed upon, and those external forces cause BIG changes in adaptation that effect over long periods of time.

This dispels the bullshit claim they make that evolution claims that a monkey gave birth to a human in one direct first generation, and that is not what evolution claims.

Our common ancestors had offspring and those offspring moved to different environments, and because of external forces of those different environments over long periods of time, they slowly became so different speciation made the genetic sequence so different interbreeding was no longer possible. That speciation then would make them cousins, like chimps and humans. Just like African and Asian elephants are cousins.

If one species has individual unit families of the same species, those units split and can move to different environments that can cause slow changes over long periods of time. It is why while both an African elephant and Asian elephant are both called elephants but because of “speciation” they can no longer breed between them, because the genetic changes from their once common ancestors became too great in their genetic sequence because of external forces and variant adaptations.

So if you see someone online arguing that macro evolution isn’t true, they are blowing smoke up your ass and lying to you. Macro evolution is as real and as much part of evolution as microevolution.

Here is a more precise and detailed explanation.

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