Pass The Torch

Pass The Torch, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

Don’t let humanity forget the cattle cars
Don’t let them forget the electric fences
Don’t let them forget Mengele’s experiments

Don’t let them forget Anne Frank in hiding
Don’t let them forget her gruesome ending
Don’t let them forget the barking dogs

Don’t let them forget the pits they dug
Don’t let them forget the brutal guards
Don’t let them forget the Broken Glass

Don’t let them forget the ovens sparked
Don’t let them forget the long death march
Don’t let them forget the Warsaw Ghetto

Don’t let them forget the survivor’s scars
Don’t let them forget the monster’s crimes
Don’t let them forget the bodies stacked

Don’t let them forget the stench of death
Don’t let them forget the propaganda of hate
Can become the abyss of future’s fate

I have to disclaim one caveat. It must be made clear, that while Jews don’t have a concept of a vengeful hell, Conservative Christians and Conservative Muslims do. Not all, but far too many.

Too many far right Evangelicals want Israel to be a nation, not because they care about Israel being round forever, but because their book of Revelation says Israel becoming a nation is the sign of the “end times”. And Islam also has it own final savior who will come down and bring justice to the world before ending the world.

This worship of death, this tribal claims of superiority and us vs them will not help humanity solve the problems we need to solve to survive as a species as long as possible.

The survivors of the Holocaust are growing few, and soon not even the youngest survivors will be around to tell their story. The brutality of how humans can be needlessly cruel to each other. This isn’t a story about just Jews. It is a lesson to history, to future generations, that hate and scapegoating and vilifying and us vs them, when left unchecked and infiltrates politics can lead to the worst cruelty humans can inflict on each other. Please pass the torch down, just like slavery, not to shame younger generations, but to warn them what hate and vilification and scapegoating can do.

3 responses to “Pass The Torch”

  1. Brilliantly said Brian. So much truth and unnecessary deaths. It must never be repeated. All humans have lessons to learn from the past and also from the awful things that are going on in our world now. Thank you for sharing your wise words and lesson. X


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